viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


Hi everybody!!

Today we are going to explain what a mind map is:

A mind map is a visual representation of hierarchical information that includes a central idea surrounded by connected branches of associated topics.

How to Mind Map

1. From a main idea, create branches.

2.Then, create sub-branches.


1. Use colours, drawings and symbols. Be as visual as you can, and your brain will thank you.

2. Keep the topic labels as short as possible.keeping them to a single word.

3. Vary text size, colour and alignment. Vary the thickness and length of the lines. Emphasize important points.

Our teacher asked us to create a mind map about travelling. We worked in groups, and we all had different ideas with regard to the branches (means of transport, budget, places to visit...). Of course, all the mind maps have lots of coloured branches and the class looked like a rainbow!!!

These are our beautiful pieces of artwork:

It was lots of fun!! :)

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