viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


Hi there!

For the past two weeks, we have been researching about the work that travel agencies do.
The class was divided into different groups. Each group had to look for information about them and think of possible questions for the interview we were going to have with the travel agents that our teacher had invited to the school. It was a way of asking ourselves about their job and what it involves, and the more we learnt about travel agencies, the more questions that came up!
We discovered that travel agents have a very interesting job, they sell trips and create special offers for the clients. We read about the different types of travel agencies, their functions and the documents they work with. We have also learnt that a package tour consists of transport and accommodation advertised and sold toghether. Other services may be provided such a rental car,activities or outings during the holiday.

After that, we voted for our two favourite questions out of almost thirty, so the chosen ones would be part of the interview that we would prepare for the visit. But we will tell you about this later!

See you soon!

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